Stop press!

The Xcite Digital office got an exciting email this month from Elite Business Magazine!

The Xcite Digital office got an exciting email this month from Elite Business Magazine!

“Just wanted to congratulate you on your coverage in Elite Business Magazine”

Our MD, Rob Walker, is frequently asked for quotes or contributions to industry related topics, be it for online content, magazines, newspapers, even books!

This latest quote is to do with effective email marketing campaigns and building that all-important connection with your audience. It’s testament to the continued guidance and advice Rob is more than happy to share.

“In light of this then, how does one actually define an effective email campaign? Rob Walker, founder of Xcite Digital, explains that it’s largely a question of building a genuine connection. “If the content builds a meaningful relationship and offers value rather than being perceived as spam, then you’re on to a good chance of building credibility,” he says.”

For those of us in the office it’s not only inspiring to work for someone held in such high regard within his chosen industry, but also motivates us to be as good as we can be and help take Xcite Digital to the next level; world domination of course! Pictures sourced from: Elite Business Magazine