Starbucks – #TreatReceipt Campaign

Starbucks’ “TreatReceipt” campaign

Starbucks’ “TreatReceipt” campaign offered customers a discount on a drink in the afternoon if they had already bought a coffee that morning. Starbucks used Twitter to publicise the campaign and tagged announcements of the offer with the hashtag #TreatReceipt. If a customer could provide the receipt from their morning coffee they would be entitled to receive any grande sized beverage for only $2. The campaign succeeded in bringing back traffic from the morning and gave the customer the opportunity to try something at a discount price that perhaps they normally wouldn’t purchase. As well as increased sales, the campaign provided Starbucks with another way of interacting with its customers and influencing customer patterns. TreatReceipt is now a recurring campaign at Starbucks and always proves to be a success. Image courtesy of Starbucks